Our Projects

UNFPA: Capacity development of health personnel (1,800 doctors, nurses, midwifes across the country) to better understand and response to gender-based violence, LGBT and HIV/AIDS.

Project timeframe: 
2010 to 2014
Fields of expertise: 

Addressing gender-based violence (GBV) successfully is an important step toward achieving Millennium Development Goals in the areas of gender equality, infant and maternal health and mortality, and HIV/AIDS. Yet GBV remains one of the most widespread and socially accepted categories of human rights violations. Health professional can play a crucial role in helping to identify and support women who have experienced abuse and facilitate their referral to specialized services. Even today, many medical and nursing schools do not adequately prepare professionals to recognize or respond to the health consequences of domestic violence, rape or sexual abuse; providers often view violence against women as a social problem and hesitate to discuss physical or sexual violence with patients.

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