Our Projects

Building up capacities of police workers to respond effectively to gender based violence and trafficking

Project timeframe: 
2014 to 2015
Source of Funding: 
Embassy of Kingdom of The Netherlands
Fields of expertise: 

There is strong recognition that security sector reform should meet the different security needs of men, women, boys and girls. The integration of gender issues is also a key to the effectiveness and accountability of the security sector, and to local ownership and legitimacy of Security Sector Reform processes.As police are responsible for the maintenance of public order and the protection of people, they have a duty to understand and take action to prevent and respond to the different forms of crime and insecurity faced by men, women, girls and boys.Gender-based violence, including domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual assault, is a threat for particularly Albanian women. Police officers must have appropriate knowledge and skills to respond to victims of gender based violence and trafficking as well as to be capable to process and investigate these crimes effectively. The main aim of the project is to develop the professional qualifications of the police workers responding and investigating cases of domestic violence and trafficking most frequently, by providing them with theoretical knowledge, and forming their skills related to efficient and effective response as well as referring.

To conduct training according the needs, an assessment of police workers knowledge and practices followed in addressing domestic violence issues preceded the preparation of training curricula. 120 police officers participated in ToT training and 60 of them were selected as certified trainers. At present ToT teams are conducting training courses for their colleagues (police workers) in 12 Albanian regions. 1,200 police workers are planned to be trained by end of project (in 2015). At the same time NCSS is working to revise and improve the internal recording and reporting procedures of gender based violence for LGBT and victims of trafficking.    

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