Transforming communities

NCSS is involved in Transforming Communities with the idea of building local power with a long-term view toward real change. Through projects NCSS promotes models of empowering that lead to comprehensive social change, democracy building and better governance, address community needs and deliver just outcomes. NCSS believe that building local power with national vision and coordination; build democracy from the bottom up. By working locally we can more effectively make community voices heard, promote a shared vision, and implement cutting edge initiatives. Local empowerment is especially important for vulnerable communities and social strata which are often concentrated in suburban and rural areas and are marginalized in the regular course of central government policy making.

Leviz Albania: “You Govern We Monitor” project.

Project timeframe: 
2017 to 2018

The project aimed to strengthen community awareness in the municipalities of Kukes, Tropoja and Has to promote local governance in the performance of delegated functions, and in training local NGOs, in measuring the effectiveness of services in order to improve governance. The project built a set of performance indicators, from the point of view of citizens, and then built a model for measuring the performance of delegated functions of local government, specifically the social services, economic assistance and disability, and preschool education.

World Bank & Ministry of Urban development: Technical Assistance for the bed and breakfast program hospitality services training.

Project timeframe: 
2013 to 2014

The assignment for B&B Hospitality is aimed at the provision of support to develop family tourism in south cost of Albania, helping families to host touristic visitors through quality and attractive services. The philosophy of the project is based at the local capacity development of families, which would contribute to the local community development as well.

World Bank: Participatory Budgeting Pilot (PBP) in Albania.

Project timeframe: 
2010 to 2011

Support the implementation of pilot activities aimed at building a demand side for better government and strengthening city participation in the governance process in Albania. The project was designed under the objective to improve local governance and accountability in Albania by building the capacity of local government officials and civic groups to engage in consultations that are focused and goal-oriented towards solving community problems; and, on a pilot basis, introducing short and long term mechanisms to institutionalize citizen voice in government decision making.

Building capacities in monitoring and evaluation of the social care services standards provided in the public institutions, both at central and local level.

Project timeframe: 
2014 to 2015

Since the transformation reform from the central to market economy has started, there is a growing attention of the Albanian government and civil society to protect and guarantee human rights. Despite the efforts, people with disabilities face poor social care services and a less enabling environment for protection and inclusion.

Source of Funding: 
Danish Government
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