Empowerment of Youth, Women and Vulnerable groups

NCSS promotes the economic and social empowerment youth, women, youth and most vulnerable groups. NCSS projects aims to improve labor market outcomes for youth women and vulnerable groups (particularly Roma and Egyptian communities). 

Work towards facilitating conditions for women’s economic empowerment, inclusion of youth in decision-making and integration of Roma to reduce existing socio-economic gaps with non-Roma population. Promoting the economic empowerment enable youth, women and vulnerable groups to enjoy their social rights, and conduct a respectable living.  Within the project’s objectives the intervention undertaken from NCSS projects offers a set of opportunities in the form of financial services with grant schemes (for starting a small business or self-employment), and non-financial services in the form of training and technical support, allowing so a decent employment.

GIZ, ProSEED program, “Get the skills for tomorrow deals “project.

Project timeframe: 
2019 to 2020

This project is being implemented in Kukes Municipality and aims to empower 50 unemployed and unskilled young women and young men with skills that increase opportunities for employment and self-employment and encourage 30 young people to identify and address community needs and youth needs and have potentials to change the status quo. Project implement holistic interventions through qualifying for a job, gaining professional skills, gaining knowledge and skills for self-employment or opening a small business.

Agency for Protection Civil Society: Empowerment of youth from hard reaching groups through VET

Project timeframe: 
2015 to 2016

The project aims to enhance the access of unemployed youth to opportunities in vocational and professional training, employment, civic participation and community development. It will be implemented in collaboration with local government in Kavajë, Librazhd and Lushnje. The project will promote vulnerable youth to be socially included through effective vocational and professional training that enable them to find a job or initiate a business.

Japanese Social Development Fund & World Bank

Project timeframe: 
2010 to 2014

Youth empowerment through community development. This project places the focus on employment and quality development of the youth labor force in general and of vulnerable groups in particular, to support their entrance into labour market through the equipment with appropriate skills and promotion of their entrepreneurial innitiatives.

US Embassy Albania, Democracy Commission Small Grants Program

Project timeframe: 
2014 to 2015

“Women economic empowerment through development of tourism in south coast of Albania”. The project was implemented in three touristic villages of Himare Municipality (Vuno, Qeparo and Borsh). The project aimed to empower economically the local women in participating and running small tourism businesses.

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