Our Projects

UNICEF: Social Welfare for Children in Albania: Public expenditure review.

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The project is implemented in collaboration with ACER and ASET (Albanian NGOs). Assessing public expenditure on social welfare targeted at children through a budget analysis to have a clear picture of policy priorities in social welfare for children (past and present) and understand to what extent the levels and patterns of budget allocations are conducive to meet sector targets. The objective was also to compare trends in allocation within a regional/local perspective, paying particular attention to the suggested territory reform, which has been identified as one of the key priorities of the government program of 2013-2017 and aim to improve the quality of local public services through the increase of their efficiency, as well as the access of the citizens to the local public services. The improvement of the services also has to be associated with the increase of resources in general and financial ones in particular for the local government units, an aim that goes along with the principles of decentralization of the power and the local autonomy defined by the Constitution of the country and by the European Charter of the Local Self-Government.

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