Our Projects

Social Profile of the Disabled Population in Albania

Project timeframe: 
2014 to 2015
Source of Funding: 
Fields of expertise: 

The project on Social Profile of People with Disabilities in Albania, examines the circumstances of people with disabilities in Albania. It is one of a series of Social portrait on vulnerable groups in Albania commissioned by the UN in collaboration with MSWY. The report draws on a number of sources, primarily the first and second reports from the National Disability Survey (Central Statistics Office, 2008 and 2010). For the first time in Albania, the National Disability Survey facilitates estimation of the prevalence of disability in the population and also provides the basis for a detailed analysis of the living circumstances and needs of people with disabilities.  The concept of disability that underlies this social profile is the ‘biopsychosocial model’ of disability advocated by the World Health Organization. In this model, disability is understood in terms of how the individual interacts with the physical and social environment. In other words, in order to understand what people are able to do, we need to take account of the resources available to them and the barriers placed before them in their environment as well as their own physical, mental and emotional resources. The report on social profile examine the number of people with disability and the impact their disability on them. Of particularly interest are the experience of people with disabilities with current educational system, labor market and labor services, their social participation and social support, the physical environment and transport. The aim of this report is to improve quality and efficiency of services delivery towards disabled people in Albania through strengthening the capacity of service providers as well as increasing the effectiveness of social policies. The project is supported financially by UNDP and implemented in fully cooperation with MSWY and INSTAT.
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