
The project “Strengthening capacities of the newly established Alliances of Women Counsellors to empower women at local level”. USAID, ANTARC

“Strengthening capacities of the newly established Alliances of Women Counsellors to empower women at local level” deals with the need to strengthen capacities of the newly established Alliances of Women Counsellors (AWC) at local level to empower women by promoting entrepreneurship initiatives.  The suggested project contributed to strengthen AWCs capacities and lead them towards the provision of financial support for women entrepreneurships at local level. To reach the strategic goal, NCSS initially encouraged the setting up of a regular dialogue between AWCs and women at local level, especially among the most excluded ones, to raise awareness on the role of AWCs, and second, provided a key tools (Manual) to AWCs on how to encourage and fund women’s entrepreneurship at local level.  

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