Our Projects

Build capacities of CRU's experts on “Statistics and data analysis with regard to the realization of the rights of the child”

Project timeframe: 
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Remarkable changes have taken place in Albania’s living standards and poverty due to transition. Analysis of the scale, depth and profile of poverty indicates that children experience the highest risk and greatest depth of poverty. However, the problems of transition and those inherited from the past are reflected in the gaps in statistics and the quality of information in Albania. Project was implemented in 2010 and financed by UNICEF Albania. project aimed  the establishment of a system which regularly monitor and report the progress done in realization of children’s right and included the development of a methodology of measurement, identification of a list of indicators and provision of their definition.

A training course intended for Child Observatory and CRUs experts in Albania contributed to a better understanding of the legal and institutional mechanisms for reporting the progress done with the realization of children’s rights in Albania and measuring child’s exclusion and deprivation in particular. Final results of project were 1) the preparation of a methodology on child rights monitoring based on child rights approach, and 2) empowerment of 30 experts of CRU's and Child Observatory with knowledge's and skills on a) using chid rights indicators, b) conducting child poverty research and analysis, c) fulfilling obligation of the law 10347 on data reporting, data analysis and statistics.




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