Adriatic Welfare MIX is multi-beneficiary program that address differences in the welfare system between EU and non EU countries in Adriatic Sea. The Welfare Mix is the main model of the welfare state promoted in some European countries, but still little diffuse in the East Adriatic area, where the central administration plays the principal role in the welfare system leading and planning, as well as its funding. Adriatic Welfare Mix aims at valorize the existing services carried out in the counties of eastern Adriatic area, in order to stimulate and accelerate the ongoing regulatory reform by proposing a sustainable welfare mix model. Since 2012 the NCSS, in partnership with other project partners from Albania, Italy, Montenegro and Croatia, implements actions that aims to establish the devolution of power and functions to lower institutional levels and introduce a regulatory mechanism to promote collaboration among public and private providers of welfare services for disadvantaged groups, particularly children and youth. At the end the project leads to the following results a) enhancing cooperation on the Adriatic territory among all partners; b) improve policies at local level in the social welfare system; (c) setting up a model for the delivering social services in Tirana municipality; (d) construct models social enterprise; e) build locally specific models to solve social issues through cross-sectorial cooperation, and d) create a Social Observatory of the Adriatic, able to support local governments in data monitoring and collection necessary to effectively intervene on social policies and improve service supply in the areas involved.